Friday, August 23, 2013

Individualized/Collaborative Curriculum Opportunity

As we talked about in class, I would like to extend the option to you to change the way (and even what) you submit to me for any given unit. Here is the proposal yet again:

 - Option A:
     - Status Quo: You do the outlines (unless you receive an 86% or above on the previous MCQ) and the study packet for each unit.

 - Option B:
     - Based on your interest(s)*, trace the relationship of your interest(s) to the period in history we are studying. You will create a final product for each unit that demonstrates careful thought and creative expression. In lieu of submitting an outline, you will be able to submit your creative product. In addition, you will be able to work collaboratively with a partner or partners to create a final product. If you do so, you may also submit a collaboratively completed study packet.
     - I hope many of you will choose this option. I am confident that what you create will be excellent and indicative of your hard work.
     - This option is predicated on the Daniel 1:8-16 principle.

 - Option C:
     -  You may pick and choose which units you choose to do Option A and which units you choose to Option B.

If you have further thoughts and/or questions, come see me and we can brainstorm together.

*Here is a list of potential interests (this is to spur your imagination but not to limit it): writer (literature, poetry, lyrics), image maker (graphic artist, photographer), video producer (director, actor, editor), artist (2D, 3D, fashion, architecture), culinary artist, dancer, sport, philosopher, theologian, politician/political scientist, historian, economist, social science (sociology, psychology, demographic change), musician (sing, play instruments, write songs), etc.

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