Monday, August 26, 2013

Dual Credit Option *UPDATED*

Team Euro,
As mentioned in class, you have the opportunity to take this AP Euro course as a dual credit course. This is a fantastic opportunity because you receive simultaneous credit for high school and college. And this year you have the opportunity to receive credit for not just one, but two college courses (HIST 4A and 4B).

HERE is the application for enrollment.

HERE is more information from the school website.

If you or your parents have questions, please talk to your academic counselor or to me.


Once you decide to take AP Euro as dual credit, you will need to apply (a.k.a. get an account with) to West Hills. This is merely a formality; you will be accepted and given a student ID number. HERE is the West Hills account creation page. If you'd like to start with the video instructions rather than going directly to the application page, you may begin HERE.

A couple things to consider:
 - When you have to choose your campus, be sure to choose: West Hills COALINGA.
 - You will be asked to choose a major; the choice of major is not important (there will be some questions that don't apply that well to you, just fill in your best guess).
 - You will need your Social Security number to register. If you do not have a SS# and you are an international student, you may enter your visa number.
 - When you finish and submit, you will get two emails.  First, a hello email.  Next, an email with your student ID number and password. Bring the ID number to Student Services to enroll in the course as dual credit.

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