Thursday, October 31, 2013

Enlightenment Salon

Team Euro,
We are coming upon the Enlightenment salon and I am excited.
It will be a good time to mingle and enjoy learning while playing a part.
Be sure to print out your resume - and - place it on Drive.
Come dressed and ready to interact!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Weekend Reminder

Team Euro,
This weekend:
- Finish your reading and outline
- Remember your study packet is due early this week; it is due Wednesday.
- Be ready for your Europe map quiz
- Be thinking about your role in Friday's solon. It is going to be great.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Updated Europe Map on Drive

Team Euro,

There is an updated map in the shared folder on Drive with the number of countries and capitals listed for greater clarity as we draw close to Monday's map quiz.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pale Blue Dot

The Scientific Revolution's cosmological paradigm shift is not just exchanging geocentric for heliocentric, it is fundamentally changing how humans perceive themselves - how we see ourselves.

In the geocentric model we are the center and the focus.

In the heliocentric model the universe becomes exponentially large. And we are but a pale blue dot.

Carl Sagan, one of the most famous modern astronomers and science popularizer, said of this:

"Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar", every "supreme leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there — on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam."

If he is correct, what does this say about us? What are the implications?

Are we something? Are we nothing?

How should we think about this from a Christian perspective?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Scientific Revolution Cosmology Quiz

For tomorrow's quiz on cosmology, you should be able to sketch out and label the basic idea behind the thinking of Ptolemy and Aristotle, Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. Your quiz will look quite similar to this:

Euro Map Quiz

Team Euro,
It has been decided. We will take our Euro Map Quiz Monday of next week (Oct 28).
You have two options:
 - Either take the countries and capitals on Monday and get it out of the way
 - Or just take the countries and take the cumulative test the following Monday after your MCQ
The map itself is on Drive.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Chapter 18 Reading and Outline, Quiz, and Test Schedule

Team Euro,
We are going to back to the short (well, shorter than the previous) chapters! And we will take two weeks to cover this unit.
This chapter (18) is on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Please note the slightly accelerated schedule. The study packet is on Drive.

Here is the reading and outlining schedule:

Monday, 21 October - Read and Outline p. 589-598
Friday, 25 October Read and Outline p. 598-609
- Reading quiz over the first half of the chapter
Monday, 28 October - Read and Outline p. 609-end
Wednesday, 30 October - Study Packet is due
Monday, 4 November - Ch. 18 MCQ
Tuesday, 5 November - Ch. 18 FRQ

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finishing this unit and this short week

Team AP Euro,

Here is a reminder of the plan for the rest of this unit and week.

Tuesday we will address any questions you have and spend the class reviewing.

Wednesday is super short because of PSAT testing. Therefore we will have our FRQ but in shortened form: only setting, thesis, and bullet point specific evidentiary support. Remember your study packet is due this day.

Thursday we will not have block day but a regular M/T/W schedule and we will take the MCQ for this combined unit.

This long weekend we will start the new unit.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Weekend Reminder

Team Euro,
This weekend:
 - Finish up your reading and outline
 - The collaborative study packet is due Wednesday
 - Plan on the MCQ Wednesday and FRQ Thursday

Generally well done on the presentations today. We will take our reading quiz first thing Monday morning and then finish up the presentations and address and questions and/or holes.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Absolutism and Constitutionalism Content

Team Euro,
In tackling the content for this unit, we are having each royal family embrace some responsibility:
 - Bourbons - the rise of men in high heels and tights in France
 - Tudors - absolutism constitutionalism
 - Romanovs - Russia? From where? To what?
 - Habsburgs - the Great War and even more division
 - Medici - What is happening in art? How about in Spain, Netherlands, and with the Ottomans?

We are going to use time in class to make this happen. It will be due Friday in class.

Weekend Reminder

Team Euro,
This weekend:
 - Keep reading and outlining
 - Work on the study packet with your royal family
 - Finish the Reformation DBQ
   - Make it beautiful
   - See online resource (in Drive) and below

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Chapters 16 &17 Combined Study Packet

Team Euro,
We have an amazing opportunity and challenge in front of us. These next two chapters (combined as one) are pivotal to Modern European History and it is imperative that we know them and know them well.
However, the sheer breadth of information is formidable. The study packet is enormous. Much like a glorious meal arrayed before you, your excited by the feast before you but you are overwhelmed by how much there is to eat.
Therefore, when faced with such a challenge, it is good to go at it with your family by your side.
The study packet is posted on Drive and you will be able to share the document with your familial peers and tackle it together. Delegate and share the burden so you all have the final and completed result. Also be sure this shared document is in your shared folder with me.
Sharing like this is an advantage but it also could be a potential disadvantage. Be sure you do not lean too heavily on your family without also spending time looking at and studying their work. If you fail to become familiar with the entirety of the study packet it will be hard for you to do well on the MCQ.