Monday, September 30, 2013

Chapter 16 & 17 Reading and Outline, Quiz, and Test Schedule

We are going to do something rather different with this new unit. I am going to combine chapters 16 and 17 into one unit. The newest edition of our text does this and I though it makes more sense as it is covering absolutism and constitutionalism. Our edition of the text divides this between Western and Eastern Europe.

In our shared Drive folder, I have placed a new reading resource for these two chapters. Please refer to it for the page numbers and reading schedule you will find below. (It is practically the same as our text but only combines the two chapters in a different order.) 

Also note, we will take three weeks on this unit instead of two.

Friday, 4 October Read and Outline p. 478-486
Monday, 7 October - Read and Outline p. 486-494
Friday, 11 October Read and Outline p. 494-506
  - Reading quiz over the first half of the chapter(s)
Monday, 14 October - Read and Outline p. 506-end
Wednesday, 16 October - Ch. 15/16 MCQ
Thursday, 17 October* - Ch. 15/16 FRQ

*This is the end of the first quarter

Monday Madness

Team Euro,

Two things for tomorrow:

We are in the process of building a DBQ. We have started the process (thesis and POVs). Now we are going create more of the skeleton. Therefore, for the Reformation DBQ we have been working on:
 - Build your thesis into an opening paragraph
 - Write an opening sentence for each body paragraph
     - Remember each opening sentence should have your category you will be arguing for as well as a connection to any preceding body paragraph
 - Create a concluding paragraph

Tonight you need to continue your studying for tomorrow's first real in-class FRQ. Yes! You can do this!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Juan de Pareja

This evening I have received two emails asking about the significance of Juan de Pareja.
As I think this is a good question, I want to address it here.
This was my short reply:

In some ways Juan de Pareja qua Juan de Pareja is unimportant for our purposes. However, what he symbolizes is important; de Pareja (as a talented individual) epitomizes the possibility of social mobility (especially in a hierarchical Spanish society) when social mobility was rare and decidedly new.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekend Reminder

Team Euro,
This weekend:
 - Finish your outline and study packet for Global Exploration
 - Study for Monday's MCQ
 - Any ideas you want to share with me regarding your royal blood would be welcome
     - Today's game: Romanovs (7), Bourbon (4), Medici (3), Habsburgs (3), Tudors (2)

Monday, September 23, 2013

FRQs and DBQs

When submitting any future FRQs and DBQs, if you are submitting digitally, please submit them only as Google Docs and not as PDFs. Thanks!

Reformation DBQ

To the left you will see a resource "Reformation DBQ" (it is also found on Drive).
Please read the DBQ and then write a thesis for the DBQ. Also list your categories and the documents that fit under each (see below for a visual).

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weekend Reminder

Team Euro,
This weekend:
 - Read and outline through p. 498
 - Be ready for a reading quiz on the reading
 - Come up with three (3) POVs from the Plague DBQ (however, not from the first three docs); remember why not what

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Plague DBQ

For your Plague DBQ thesis, separate out your basic categories and list the docs that can be used as evidence for each. How many docs could you use?

Chapter 15 Reading and Outline, Quiz, and Test Schedule

Monday, 23 September - Read and Outline p. 483-498
  - Reading quiz over the first half of the chapter
Friday, 27 September Read and Outline p. 498-508
Monday, 30 September - Read and Outline p. 508-end
  - Ch. 15 MCQ (40 questions)
Tuesday, 1 October - Ch. 15 FRQ

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

DBQ Rubric and Plague DBQ Thesis

Pay close attention to the DBQ Rubric (on Drive). Friday you will have a quiz on the six core points. You should be able to say what they are (though not necessarily word for word).

For tonight, write a quality thesis based on the Plague DBQ (on Drive). Be sure you have three (or four) categories that relate directly to the prompt - and that they are broad enough to incorporate the vast majority of the documents.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Reformation FRQ

See the AP Euro shared folder for the prompts. You do need to write a complete FRQ for the first prompt and you do not need to write a opening paragraph and thesis for the other two. (However, you should be able to do so if called upon.)

Friday, September 13, 2013

European Families

You are royalty.

Which family will you be in?
Bourbon, Habsburg, Medici, Tudor, Romanov

Weekend reminder with updated schedule

Team Euro,
Because everything went so well today in class, yet so slowly, we have pushed back the Reformation MCQ to Tuesday!

However, it would be good if you completed the outline and study packet by Monday nevertheless.
We will then use Monday to talk further about those things we did not have a chance to discuss in class today.

The FRQ will be pushed back as well.

Collaboratively with your group, be sure to fill out the Reformations: Origins, and Political and Social Impact. We will address this briefly on Monday.

Block Day Plan

Activities to tackle today:

Reformation Chart - Copy and fill in with your team

Reformations: Origins and Political and Social Impact - Work collaboratively with your team and ultimately everyone else on this

Side notes silliness:

    Witch Hunts
    Helped by prayer; hurt by sin

Freshman Edification

As a means to bless World History Honors students, I am excited for you to take up the creative mantle of creating a iMovie trailer for each unit we study. Because there is so much overlap between the two courses, and we are perpetually ahead of them, you have the opportunity to set the tone for each unit they will study.
Who wants to do the Renaissance?
Who wants to do the Reformation?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Fill in response to Renaissance FRQ

Find the FRQ and DBQ Response form in the shared AP Euro folder.

On a laptop or desktop, copy the form (Under the file tab, choose "Make a copy"). Rename it with your name and place it in your AP Euro folder. If you are on your iPad, open your Drive via Safari and choose the desktop view from the arrow in the right corner of the page.

Please fill out the section for FRQ #1, including titling it "Renaissance".

Monday, September 9, 2013

FRQ Feedback Form

The FRQ feedback form is found in the files to the left of this post. It is for you to be able to decipher the comments on your latest FRQ (and future FRQs). As soon I get all of your emails plugged in, I will place it in the shared AP Euro folder as well.

Gmail address used for shared AP Euro folder

HERE is the form to fill in to share your gmail address with me for the shared AP Euro folder.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ch. 14 Study Packet and Weekend Reminders

HERE is the study packet for ch. 14 on the Reformation.

Remember to read and outline through p. 465. You will have a reading quiz in class on Monday.

Look at your shoes differently! Be creative with your categories!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Google Docs Shared Folder

After pondering the most efficient work flow, I have settled on Google Docs. For this to be effective, I need you to share a folder with me ( This folder will be the place where you will drop and store your course documents. I can then comment on them without the need for you to email or upload your work. Please pay close attention to the following:

Naming - I would like you to name this folder in a particular way:
Last name, first name, AP Euro 2

Organization - Within this shared folder, you should create and name sub folders based on each unit. All of your work should find its way into a sub folder.

Sharing - Share the general folder with me and provide me with editing privileges. Everything in that folder (including sub folders) will then be shared with me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chapter 14 Reading and Outline, Quiz, and Test Schedule

Friday, 6 September - Read and Outline p. 445-455
Monday, 9 September - Read and Outline p. 455-465
  - Reading quiz over the first half of the chapter
Friday, 13 September Read and Outline p. 465-472
Monday, 16 September - Read and Outline p. 472-477
  - Ch. 14 MCQ (40 questions)
Tuesday, 17 September - Ch. 14 FRQ

Renaissance FRQs

HERE is your FRQ work for the Renaissance Test.
These will be due on Friday.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Monarchs Screencasts

HERE and HERE are screen casts explaining the important development known as New Monarchs.

Renaissance PPTs

Three Renaissance PPTs have been uploaded to Focus for your reference. They are a resource for you to use as you see fit.

Chapter Outline and Study Packet

Please upload your chapter outline and study packet to Focus.

You do not need to print them out and submit hard copies.